Mosque Re-opening Notice
Opening of the Dublin Mosque for the five daily prayers
The Islamic Foundation of Ireland (IFI) would like to inform members of the Muslim community that, the Dublin Mosque will reopen for daily prayers from Dhuhr (noon) prayer on Monday 29th of June 2020.
There will be several restrictions in place in keeping with the public health guidelines on Corona virus (COVID 19) pandemic.
Covid-19 is a sad reality of our time and the whole world is fighting against it. It is the duty of every Muslim to do whatever he/she can to stop the spread of the virus. It is important that everyone should take this problem seriously as we slowly go back to some sort of normality, “the new normality.” Things are not going to be the same for some time and people should keep this in mind, behave responsibly, adhere to all guidelines, and take all the necessary precautions when they come to the Mosque for prayers.
Friday Jumu’ah Prayers
No decision has been made yet regarding the start of the Friday Jumu’ah prayers. This will depend on how smooth and safe the reopening of the Mosque for the five daily prayers is going to be from 29th June.
Please remember that, there will be a limitation in the numbers attending the Mosque for prayers due to social distancing requirements. Once the maximum capacity is reached, there will be no further admittance into the mosque. We request understanding and cooperation. Children are not allowed in the mosque until the lockdown is over.
People are required to adhere to the following guidelines
- Make ablution (Wudu) at home. The Wudu and toilet area will be closed.
- Bring your own prayer mat. For your safety and the safety of others, there will be no admittance without your prayer mat. There will be limited number of prayer mats available on sale for those who do not bring their prayer mats.
- Bring your shoe bag. The shoe racks will be temporary sealed off. Keep your shoes beside you when you pray.
- Use the hand sanitizer provided when you enter the mosque building and when you leave.
- Bring your own Mushaf
- No food or drink should be brought to the Mosque.
- Do not touch the belongings of other people.
- Observe social distancing rule as approved by the HSE
- Masjid will open 10 minutes before the Adhan.
- Prayer will start immediately after the Adhan.
- The Masjid will be closed after each prayer.
- Pray and Go system in the Masjid: No staying. No socialisation. No hand-shaking.
- Pray Sunnah at home.
- If you think, you may have Covid-19 do not come to the Mosque.
- If you think you have been in contact with someone who may have Covid-19, do not come to the Mosque.
Please contact your GP immediately if you meet the last two criteria on COVID 19.
We pray for the safety of our ummah beyond the period of corona virus pandemic.