Muslim Primary Education Board

Muslim Primary Education Board has been set up by the Patron body of the Mus­lim schools in Ire­land to act on its behalf as the man­age­ment body for the exist­ing Mus­lim national schools estab­lished under the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion and Sci­ence. The aim of MPEB is to define and advise on the Islamic per­spec­tive on edu­ca­tional issues relat­ing to the teach­ing of reli­gion and other sub­jects in Mus­lim and other schools attended by Mus­lim chil­dren.

The role of the Board is to man­age and develop Mus­lim pupils’ edu­ca­tion through ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence through uphold­ing Islamic val­ues. Its prin­ci­pal aims are to advise and empower the edu­ca­tors and par­ents within the com­mu­nity thus pro­vid­ing a stim­u­lat­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment cul­ti­vated within an Islamic ethos where stu­dents will flour­ish and develop.

It is believed that this will ulti­mately allow­ them to achieve their fullest poten­tial and become suc­cess­ful role mod­els worth emu­lat­ing enabling them to con­tribute and par­tic­i­pate effec­tively within Irish society.

The Board Members are nominated by the patron body of the Board and they all serve in a voluntary capacity.

To find out more visit MPEB website