Non-Muslim Activities
Regular activities for Non-Muslims and new Muslims
Mosque Visits - The Islamic Foundation welcomes visits to the Dublin Mosque by schools, colleges, groups and all other interested organisations. There is no charge for such visits. Usually, a visit takes around 45 minutes and includes a description of the Mosque as well as a brief talk on the main tenants of Islam followed by questions and answers. For more information and bookings, please contact Imam Yahya Al-Hussein or the office.
Library of the Islamic Foundation of Ireland has a large selection books on Islam in Arabic, English and Urdu. It also provides material on Islam, Islamic civilization, the Muslim community in Ireland and the Muslim world for studies and research. There are also free copies of the Qur'an and literature on Islam in English, Arabic, Urdu, French, Bosnian, Albanian and other languages are available for those who request them. The Library also stocks a selection of the audio-visual material: Cassette and video recordings of the Qur'an and lectures. Borrowing facility is available, please inquire further with the office by email or phone 01 - 4533 242.
Study circles in English - English Halaqa (Study circle) is available with tea and refreshments afterwards. Contact us for more details.
Arabic Courses - Beginners and intermediate Arabic classes for non-Arabic speaking people from both the Muslim community and the larger community are organised from time to time by the Islamic Foundation. Contact us for more details.
Islamic Lectures, Islamic Courses, Summer Camps etc - These activities are advertised well in advance. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact us.
Find out more about Islam and Muslims